
Celebrating the Year’s Best Books with the National Book Critics Circle

March 6 Update: Pleased to see that the NBCC blog Critical Mass has included my coverage of their annual awards in their latest news round-up.

1 Full programAfter the superb readings from 21 finalists on Wednesday night, the NBCC awards ceremony Thursday night was an inspiring close to the week of literary observances. On the earlier evening, more than 2/3 of the thirty nominated books were represented, while oddly, it turned out last night that of the six final recipients, only two of the authors were in the house to acknowledge the recognition. It was just the luck of the draw that four of the winners were unable to attend. Most of the audience, myself included, had read less than a handful of the finalists, whereas the NBCC critics, amazingly, read all the finalists. Each year that I attend their events I am struck again by their industry and their devotion to the critical enterprise.

The first two awards were announced prior to the ceremony. These were:

Nona Balakian Citation for Excellence in Reviewing: Recipient William Deresiewicz gave a lovely acceptance speech about criticism. He observed that critics have always drawn the enmity of artists and that criticism seems always called upon to justify its existence. He invoked Waiting for Godot, where the worst insult that Estragon can fling at Vladimir is “critic.” He quoted Stravinsky’s turnabout of Voltaire’s  ode to free speech, “What a reviewer said may be inconsequential, what I protest is his right to say it.” Throughout his talk, Deresiewicz reflected on the seclusion of writing about books, which nonetheless contrasts with the mutuality of reading them, in which we animate or re-animate the author’s work. Citing the New Yorker‘s Arlene Croce, his most affecting line was, “If art gives voice to our experience of life, criticism gives voice to our experience of art.”

Ivan Sandrof Lifetime Achievement Award: Sandra Gilbert and Susan Gubar, authors of The Madwoman in the Attic: The Woman Writer and the Nineteenth-Century Literary Imagination (1979) and editors of the Norton Anthology of Literature by Women, and a host of other trailblazing books. Gilbert and Gubar, though unable to attend, had each filmed splendid presentations that were screened for the audience at the New School, and can be viewed via this youtube link.

These were the awards in the NBCC’s six book categories:

Poetry: At the reading on Night One, of the three poets who read I had particularly enjoyed David Ferry’s reading from Bewilderment and A.E. Stallings’ rhymed poems from Olives. On Thursday night we learned from chair of the poetry panel David Biespiel that D.A. Powell’s Useless Landscape, or A Guide for Boys, published by Graywolf Press, was the top choice. Powell was not present, so his editor Jeffrey Shotts went to the podium and read a brief statement from the poet. It happened that Shotts and I had met the night before over drinks at Cafe Loup, and so were seated together in a row near the front of the auditorium as the awards began. Just before the event kicked off, Jeff told me that he might need to sneak past me if his author won. When the moment came, I clapped him on the back and let him out of our row.

Criticism: Like all the categories, this one was filled with standout titles. At the reading, Paul Elie, (Reinventing Bach), had read a fascinating passage about the blockbuster album of 1968, “Switched-on Bach,” for which Walter Carlos had played Bach on the recently invented moog synthesizer. Elie quoted Glenn Gould on the fusion of Bach and the new electronic instrument, where the Canadian pianist heard an ideal match. Gould relished the moog’s absence of vibrato and inflection, which I imagine probably had an aural quality for him akin to a harpsichord. Kevin Young (The Grey Album: On the Blackness of Blackness) read a passage about rappers and love songs, which fascinatingly play against type. The winner was Stranger Magic: Charmed States and the Arabian Nights by Marina Warner who was at home in England. Unfortunately, no one was present from her publisher Harvard University Press to accept the award.

Autobiography: On Wednesday night finalists Rena Grande (The Distance Between Us, a memoir of her Mexican family’s passage in to the United States) and Maureen N. McLane (My Poets, on the role of Gertrude Stein and Elizabeth Bishop in her reading life) had each read brilliantly. Likewise, an emotional moment came when George Hodgman, longtime editor for the late journalist Anthony Shadid read a moving passage from  House of Stone: A Memoir of Home, Family, and a Lost Middle East. The panel for this prize gave their nod to Swimming Studies by Leanne Shapton, who we learned has recently had a baby. Her publisher, David Rosenthal of Blue Rider Press, accepted in her place.

Biography: Wednesday night I had been enchanted by finalist Tom Reiss’s reading from The Black Count: Glory, Revolution, Betrayal, and the Real Count of Monte Cristo, a biography of novelist Alexander Dumas’ father. I had not known of the fascinating life led by Dumas pere, and I very much enjoyed later meeting and talking with him. And yet, it was hardly a surprise that the award was bestowed on Robert Caro for The Passage of Power: The Years of Lyndon Johnson, the fourth volume in his epic work on the 36th president. Kathy Hourigan of Knopf, accepted for Caro who had been prevented from attending because of an earlier scheduled speech.

Nonfiction: While all the categories were filled with extremely strong books, this category took the ribbon for some of the most amazing books of all, as a glance at the program below will confirm for you, too. Seated near me were Andrew Solomon, author Far From the Tree: Parents, Children, and the Search for Identity, and his editor Nan Graham of Scribner.  It was a pretty electric moment when Andrew’s book was given the award. He got a big laugh when reaching the podium he remarked with wit worthy of Oscar Wilde, “It’s obviously very unfashionable to show up. I hope you won’t think less of me for actually being here.”  The audience was plainly very glad for him, as was I.

Fiction: In this category, everyone who came for the readings the night before had been wowed by the regal Zadie Smith’s inspired animation of her own work, when like a ventriloquist she had given voice to her array of  characters in a gritty scene from a London park. The recipient of the award turned out to be Ben Fountain for Billy Lynn’s Long Halftime Walk. Fountain gave a moving talk. Along with thanking his agent Heather Schroeder of ICM, and staff at Ecco Books, his publisher, he acknowledged all the writers who’d been finalists, observing that “We’re all on the same team . .  on the team of beauty, truth, justice, love–all the corny reasons why we got in to this line of work. Let’s just keep remembering that.” He closed by thanking his family for their love and commented starkly “without that love I’d be lying in a ditch somewhere.”

With that the program ended, and many in the audience walked a block uptown to continue their conversations and celebrate at a jubilant reception benefiting the NBCC. You can view the program hear on my site in the window below. You may also view and listen to interviews that were done with all the finalists by students at the New School Graduate Writing Program, hosted at this site and co-sponsored by the NBCC and the New School. To begin, just click on one of the NBCC’s six nomination categories. I will add that if you love books and criticism, you can become a friend of the NBCC by joining the organization as an associate (non-voting) member. I relish my status as a friend of the NBCC. Likewise, if you live in NYC, or will be here visiting next year when they hold their annual readings and awards ceremony, I urge you to attend. Remarkably, the events are free of charge and open to the public. The only event for which there’s a cost is the benefit reception. You can find more information at the NBCC website, I invite you also to view the pictures I took, below the video window, and read about the night of readings, at this link, where I’ve posted another 20 photos.

  Please click here to see photos from the awards ceremony.

#FridayReads, March 30–Caro on LBJ

#FridayReads The New Yorker‘s excerpt from Robert Caro’s fourth volume in his long-running LBJ bio. Powerful narrative of the day JFK was killed and LBJ took office, and how this picture came to be taken by WH photographer Cecil Stoughton. As readers of this blog may recall, I’ve had opportunities to converse with Caro and I’m a huge admirer of his 1974 book The Power Broker. It will be a treat to read his latest book when Knopf publishes it in May. I am also finishing James Kunen’s remarkable Diary of a Company Man, which I posted on for my last #FridayReads. Think Aaron Copland’s “Fanfare for a Common Man,” only it’s not set to music, it’s in prose.

C-Span’s Brian Lamb–Good for TV, Good for the USA, Good for Books

I read with interest last night the news that C-Span founder Brian Lamb’s decided to step aside as active CEO of the network, leaving the leadership to a two-person combo, Susan Swain and Rob Kennedy. I’ve worked with Brian and Susan and I’m very happy for them both–for Brian, who can step back a bit after close to three decades in day-to-day leadership of the innovative network, and for Susan, who like Brian has always been a pleasant presence on-screen and great to deal with on any matters relating to their prodigious coverage of nonfiction books. In fact, if publishers and authors have not given C-Span an award for its coverage of current affairs and issues books, it’s hight time we as an industry did so.

I got to know Brian, and Susan, when as an editor with Times Books of Random House I edited a book with him in 1998-99. It was Booknotes–Life Stories: Notable Biographers on the People Who Shaped America, drawn from Brian’s on-air conversations with the more than 500 biographers he’d interviewed on “Booknotes,” the program that preceded his current showcase, “Q&A.” Imagine a book filled with the insights of Robert Caro (on LBJ), Ron Chernow (on John D. Rockefeller), and Blanche Wiesen Cook (on Eleanor Roosevelt), and multiply it times a couple hundred. One of the great evenings of my career was the night we launched the book at Barnes & Noble’s Union Square store, with Brian moderating a discussion among Caro, Chernow, and Cook. After the signing, as we all headed across the Square  to a restaurant I had the chance to introduce myself to Caro, whose indomitable book on Robert Moses, The Power Broker, had crystallized in me a dream to live in New York long before it was a practical possibility.  As we were crossing 17th Street, I said to Caro, “Your book made me nostalgic for the city and a time I never lived in.” Caro stopped in the street, turned to me and in his broad Bronx accent marveled, “No one’s ever said that to me.” I was some kind of glad that night, especially when Caro later told me that he long admired my late author Edward Robb Ellis and his books, The Epic of New York City and A Diary of the Century.

Working on the manuscript with Brian, he was always self-effacing and eager to hear my take on the material. Despite what I’ve seen expressed by a few commenters below the TPM story on this development, C-Span has no partisan agenda, and neither does its founder. And the neutral ‘C-Span look’ that hosts have when callers phone in and make their aggressively partisan points? It’s no accident; rather, it’s a product of Brian’s studious refusal to choose sides in Washington. By now, if a D.C. backbench politician isn’t being heard, it’s not for lack of opportunity via C-Span and other cable networks. I’d argue that C-Span has made hearing from politicians almost routine, and while we may feel we get too much of them nowadays, I believe that’s an improvement over the era when few members of congress not in leadership positions were even heard from.

Detractors might say that Speakers of the House still control the camera, and that’s true, but not for lack of C-Span trying to expand the number of lenses positioned in the chamber. Now, if the Supreme Court would finally accede to Lamb’s request that they allow cameras in their Court–something he’s asked for repeatedly over the past several years–we’d also have a somewhat more open third branch of government.

The Henry Hudson Bridge–75 Years above the Sputyen Duyvil

As odious a public official as I find Robert Moses to have been, I would vastly prefer someone like him to the visionless so-called leaders we have today. Yes, it’s a pity that Moses didn’t ultimately uphold the progressive ideals to which he subscribed early in his career, as shown by Robert Caro in The Power Broker, but at least he left something behind that remains useful to denizens of the region today. All that Gov. Christie is going to leave posterity is a lot of hot air.