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797 search results for: MG Turner


#Fridayreads/Dec. 23

#fridayreads Just finished reading one of Archer Mayor’s great Joe Gunther mysteries, ‘The Ragman’s Memory’ and listening to compelling audiobook of ‘The Psychopath Test: Inside the Madness Industry’ voiced by author Jon Ronson. Now moving on to read his ‘Men Who Stare at Goats.’ Ronson’s a great reporter w/obsessive interests that mirror my own.


Why Did NYC Let Time Run Out on the Old Penn Station?

How did New York ever countenance the demolition of this splendid building? As an urbanite and a train enthusiast, it hurts my heart to view these photos and contemplate what we lost when the old Penn Station was pulled down for a miserable modern building. H/t to Dina Spector for publishing her article with these beautiful photographs.


How Long is Mitt Willing to Get Pummeled Over His Tax Returns?

Mitt Romney has just handed the Obama team a doozy of an issue to club him with. Romney said today that he won’t release his tax returns if he’s the Republican nominee, even though all major party candidates going back decades have done so. This is probably because most of his vast income comes from capital gains and is thus taxed at 15%, rather than the higher rate on which most taxpayers are assessed. The DEMs have already put up a clever website What Mitt Pays that caculates what ordinary folks pay, compared to what Mitt’s probably paying. //more


Songs about Speeding Arrows & a Disgruntled Cat

The show at Manhattan’s Bowery Ballroom last Friday featuring The Weakerthans with Rah Rah was special in many ways. Before anything is even said about the music and the performances, consider that it was the seventh night of what by any measure must be considered an extraordinary bi-coastal residency that The Weakerthans had undertaken over the previous two weeks. Talk about ambitious! / / more . . .


The Henry Hudson Bridge–75 Years above the Sputyen Duyvil

As odious a public official as I find Robert Moses to have been, I would vastly prefer someone like him to the visionless so-called leaders we have today. Yes, it’s a pity that Moses didn’t ultimately uphold the progressive ideals to which he subscribed early in his career, as shown by Robert Caro in The Power Broker, but at least he left something behind that remains useful to denizens of the region today. All that Gov. Christie is going to leave posterity is a lot of hot air.


Excellent Book News from Vancouver, Canada

So glad for my friend, Grant Lawrence–host on CBC Radio 3, who last year published the Canadian bestseller Adventures in Solitude, winner of the BC Book Prize–signing a deal with Vancouver publisher Douglas & McIntyre for his next two books. The first book will be a rock ‘n roll travelogue of “Grant’s life through the gritty […]