Mitt’s Friday the 13th TV Adventure–Weak Talk & Condescension

In the round of network interviews Mitt Romney sat for yesterday, which he and his campaign doubtless hoped would quell the growing demands that he reveal more about his Bain years and his opaque finances, he uttered some really weak stuff that remind me of the moment in the primaries when he suggested people should talk only in “quiet rooms” about his business dealings. This is what he said to Wolf Blitzer yesterday.

“I know there will always be calls for more. People always want to get more,” Mr. Romney said on CNN. “And, you know, we’re putting out what is required plus more that is not required. And those are the two years that people are going to have. And that’s–that’s all that’s necessary for people to understand something about my finances.”

“People always want to get more.” Such blazing condescension! “Understand something about my finances” Is that all the media and the people are entitled to learn, something?

Do Mitt and his advisors really believe this weak talk is going to quiet the demands for more information? They may wish it were so, but it ain’t gonna happen. Surely, over the next four months, other issues will take center stage but I predict that between now and Election Day this is going to be a continuing feature of the campaign. It will hover over Mitt’s campaign like a dark cloud continually threatening a downpour, and the people underneath it will never know when they’re going to get drenched.

Best TV Ad of the Campaign Season

The most damaging thing a candidate can to his political opponent is make him seem ridiculous, teasing him in such a way as to reduce his gravitas. We’ve seen that Mitt Romney always tries to maintain his gravitas, and this new ad by the Obama campaign utterly punctures that veneer of seriousness, using Mitt’s singing voice, not to mention making a fair point about Mitt’s business dealings.