
Please, Media, ask Mitt: “Where Do You Stand on the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act?”

Obama for America Deputy Campaign Manager Stephanie Cutter issued the following statement in reaction to the Romney campaign’s series of answers on the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act:

 “It’s troubling that Mitt Romney’s campaign still can’t get their answer straight on where Mitt Romney stands on the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, which gives women greater ability to enforce in court their right to fair pay. From the six seconds of silence six months ago when they were first asked this question, to a top aide’s walk back of a statement last night that Mitt Romney wouldn’t have supported the law when it was passed, the Romney campaign is making what should be an easy answer extremely complicated. But, for millions of women, there is nothing complicated about it. As the President said last night, this is not just a women’s issue, it’s a family issue and an economic issue. Three weeks out from an election, the American people need a clear and final answer on whether Mitt Romney would have signed the Lilly Ledbetter Act into law – and whether or not he would sign the Paycheck Fairness Act that President Obama has been fighting for.”

As with his hidden taxes, Mitt only reveals anything when he’s under pressure to do so. On issues, either policy or personal, where he and his campaign don’t want to be swayed into doing something, even political embarrassment isn’t sufficient to compel them. But they will yield some ground on that, under pressure. The media is, as a group–if not passive–unproductive about investigations in this vein. This is one where the campaign press really ought to be able to get Mitt to say where he stands on this landmark law mandating equal pay for women.