How I Came to Have as a Companion a Black Lab Named Noah

I’ve had a gratifying response from readers who are enjoying this personal essay of mine, first on Facebook, and this morning on Twitter, as seen above. In part, the essay chronicles how as a teenager I came to have as a longtime companion the black Lab Noah pictured here. It’s a longer sketch than most blog posts, so when you have a few minutes, I hope you’ll enjoy reading this personal chronicle.

Under Will Storr’s Microscope–David Irving, Still Denying the Holocaust

Although David Irving has continually lost in the courts of countries where denying the Holocaust is a crime, he keeps at it. As documented in an article now behind the Sunday Times of London’s paywall, which I read about last weekend in a tweet from UK journalism prof Emily Bell, reporter Will Storr traveled with Irving to former concentration camps where the disgraced historian preached his gospel to true believers that masses of Jews and other minorities were not annihilated during WWII. Storr’s forthcoming book, Heretics: Adventures with the Enemies of Science, will be published in the UK soon. His journalistic enterprise seems reminiscent of the work of Jon Ronson, author of several engrossing books including Them: Adventures with Extremists and The Psychopath Test. Ronson is an affable traveler who is able to ingratiate himself with fringe characters, hang out with them, and plumb the depths of their irrationality.

Do you have favorite authors in the States engaged in reporting like that of these two British authors? Chuck Palahniuk? Any others?